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6 april 2021 - 9 april 2021
Online, Nederland
Business Week VS, Canada & Mexico 2021


“Talking Traffic: When Infrastructure Speaks with Vehicles”

Date: Friday 9 April – 15.00 - 16.00 NL time - 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. EDT

U dient zich hiervoor apart te registreren:
Registreer u hier: Talking Traffic: When Infrastructure Speaks with Vehicles 

Wat als het verkeer het verkeer regelt? Digitalisering is de sleutel tot een betere verkeersstroom en de digitalisering van ons mobiliteitssysteem is niet meer te stoppen. Deze sessie zal een discussie bevatten tussen marktleiders in Nederland en Michigan over hun inzet van Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) -technologieën en hoe te kijken naar de weg die voor ons ligt. U dient zich hiervoor apart te registreren en de sessie is in het Engels.

This session will be in English

Register here: Talking Traffic: When Infrastructure Speaks with Vehicles  

“What if traffic could regulate traffic? The digitalisation of our mobility system continues, and that digitalisation is key to better traffic flow. Talking Traffic is a series built on public-private partnership, because only in joining together can we improve traffic flow. Leveraging digitalization to optimize traffic flow is an enormous opportunity, but one that requires close coordination between public policymakers, trusted data, and innovative tech. For example: road users receive real time advice while driving via connected roadside units – that platform, based on international standards, then connects roadside equipment to information brokers, automotive industry, road authorities and ultimately road users. All of this must be bi-directional, continuous, real-time and vendor independent. An exciting future, but also a highly complex one. To help navigate that future, this session will feature a discussion between industry leaders in the Netherlands and Michigan regarding their deployment of Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) technologies and how to look at the road ahead.


  • Gary Lin, International Business Developer at Monotch
  • Bram Hendrix , Program Manager Smart Mobility & Internationalization at RAI Automotive Industry NL
  • Henry Liu, Director Center for Connected and Automated Transportation 
  • Martin Nathanson, Chief Technology Officer, P3 Mobility
Gesloten sinds 9 april 2021
Online, Nederland
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